Thursday, June 2, 2022
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Stearman Field STOL, that was to be presented this month by the Husky National STOL Series has been removed from their 2022 Season Calendar
Due to unforeseen logistical challenges, The Husky National STOL Series has canceled the Stearman Field STOL event that was scheduled to take place on June 18th in Benton, Kansas,
The next event of the calendar is the Sodbusters STOL Competition to be hosted at Hartford Municipal Airport (HXG) in Hartford, Wisconsin; the weekend before AirVenture, it’s STOL to Oshkosh!
A detailed schedule of events and registration information for Sodbusters STOL can be found at: https://nationalstol.com/2022-sodbusters-stol-competition/
We have other exciting things in the works – keep an eye out for more information to come!