National STOL was designed to focus on basic pilot skills, and to reinforce critical skills in on and off airport STOL takeoffs and landings. In the competition, pilots complete a series of 3 takeoffs and landings. We measure from a start finish line to where the main wheels stop. If you main wheels touch short of the line on landing, …
Jeff Pohl’s Pilot Profile
Jeff is truly one of the nicest guys in STOL aviation. He’s also the founder of Sodbusters STOL, a widely popular event in Minneasota. We ask him how he got into STOL and his STOL career so far.
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Cary Franks with his red and white Cessna 180.
Cary talks about his life, where he learned to fly, and his participation in the 2020 Lonestar STOL.

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The “Not So Straight and Level Podcast” with Doug Jackson
Doug Jackson, a man who wears many different hats. In our part of the aviation world, a lot of us know him for the Lonestar STOL event he hosted earlier this year in Gainesville, TX.
Meet one of the sponsors: American Legend
Go on a tour with Bryan Walstrom from the Experimental Aircraft Channel while he visits Sulphur Springs, TX and interviews aircraft manufacturer, American Legend
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